JM Stevens 11.05.19

Photo courtesy of JM Stevens.

When Austin-based musician JM Stevens was asked by KUTX host John Aielli what he calls his unique mix of country and Americana, the singer-songwriter mentions, “I just call ’em songs!” And in anticipation of Stevens’ latest release, Invisible Lines, the musician also mentions the simplicity behind the title, “I was thinking about someone that was far away from me, and there was this invisible barrier between us.” The classic subject matter and Stevens’ focus on the overall picture allows listeners to connect with his songs on their own emotional terms, establishing Stevens as one of the most reputable singer-songwriters in the Austin music scene today.

The Austinite and his band stopped by KUTX Studio 1A to play some songs off of his latest album, Invisible Lines. Make sure to get the album when it’s released on November 8th, and check out Stevens’ release show at the Continental Club! Listen to the live performance below.

– Written by Emily Gruner/KUTX

Host: John Aielli

Audio: Jake Perlman

Producer: Deidre Gott


JM Stevens

Full Session with Interview

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