As the longest-running musical production in history, the continually successful Les Misérables needs no introduction. A tale of timeless themes, Les Misérables has been presented in 22 different languages throughout 42 different countries since opening in 1985 – astonishing numbers for a production of any kind. To this day the musical continues to draw countless viewers to its live and film performances, including last year’s Oscar award-winning version starring Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway.
Now here’s the part you need to know: a full on musical production of Les Misérables will be presented by the ZACH Theatre beginning September 25th and running through November 3rd! In other words, now is the best time to capture a live performance of this definitive production, right here in Austin, Texas! To add to the excitement, be sure to tune in to KUTX at 11am this Tuesday, September 10th as cast members from the production offer an exclusive sneak preview of what you’ll be hearing come the 25th!