Photo by Julia Reihs
Eight-piece art-pop group Superorganism has come a long way since being the internet’s biggest mystery just a year ago. After they dropped their first single “Something For Your M.I.N.D.” back in February of 2017, the entire web found itself down rabbit holes trying to uncover who they were. It wasn’t until seven months later that members, Harry, Emily, and Orono, met together at a café in London to debunk some of the rumors. As it turns out, no, Orono is not a hologram, but a 17 year old *living human* from Japan. It also turns out that Superorganism is not a Gorillaz side project, but the result of longtime internet friendships. In fact, its members come from all across the globe: England, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan. No wonder their music has such a refreshingly playful and genre-bending sound.
Take a peek at our full session and interview below!
Host: Jay Trachtenberg
Broadcast Engineer: Cliff Hargrove, Jake Perlman
Studio 1A Booker/Producer: Deidre Gott
Photographers: Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon, Julia Reihs, Gabriel C. Perez, Salvador Castro, Jenan Taha
Editors in order of video: Emree Weaver, Emree Weaver, Jenan Taha