New York City duo, Oshun, backed by DJ Elevated and Live Out Loud Band, dropped by Studio 1A on Wednesday sharing with us their blend of Neo-Soul/Hip-Hop that exudes a sound reminiscent of Lauryn Hill, Floetry, and Mos Def.
Drawing their name Oshun from a West African deity of love and fertility, Thandiwe and Niambi Sala sing and rap about socially conscious issues. With vocals that flow seamlessly and can turn around and be as sharp as a razor blade, this tandem are incredible to vibe with and listen to. Their latest album, ASASE YAA, continues their message from their EP titled, AFAHYE, of spreading love and awareness towards Mother Earth and black women in America. Oshun recently played at the Sahara Lounge in Austin on January 13th and continue their tour in Houston on January 14th, you can also stream their music here on KUTX.
– Andrew Conroy