The TexARTS Professional Series begins the 2018/2019 season with Grease, the beloved rock n’ roll musical celebrating friendships, fast cars, and first loves. The musical written by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey plays July 13 – 29, 2018 at the Kam & James Morris Theatre in Lakeway.
The cast features Lauren DeFilippo as Sandy, the innocent new girl in town, and Ryan Alvarado as Danny, the love-struck bad boy and leader of the Burger Palace Boys. The cast also includes Jessica Askey (Jan), Luxy Banner (Rizzo), Connor Barr (Doody), Maddie Dennison (Patty Simcox), Colson Ginger (Eugene), Morris Martinez (Kenickie), Jade Milam (Cha Cha), Amy Nichols (Miss Lynch), Jackson Pant (Roger), Maddie Reese (Marty), Gracee Street (Frenchie), and Michael Wheeler (Sonny).
Some of the cast stopped by to perform a few numbers form the legendary musical for KUTX host John Aielli. Scroll down to get the music and follow the link for tickets and show info.