SHEROES Radio is weekly syndicated radio show created/hosted/ and produced by Carmel Holt, inspired by her own 25-year career in radio, and a lifetime devoted to music. Each week, Carmel presents a fresh and eclectic mix of both newcomers and familiar names, combining a carefully curated playlist together with a featured in-depth conversation with a “SHERO In The Spotlight”. Carmel’s approach is guided by a fierce commitment to diversity and inclusivity, showcasing a range of both music and guests that span genres and generations, with an eye towards lifting up new voices, while recognizing and celebrating womxn who paved the way.
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The Groove Temple
Deep House to UK Garage to Broken Beat to Tech House to Afro House
clock Friday, 11pm-12am
Old School Dance Party
Happy Feet Dance Party with ever-lovin' John E. Dee. - Soul, Disco, R&B, Electro,
clock Friday 4pm- 7pm
Every week we invite our favorite musicians and music lovers to play whatever they want to play
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Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child
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Uptown Saturday Night
Paul Carrubba spins classic R&B, Soul, Funk and Reggae spanning several decades
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Sunday Morning Jazz
Everything from traditional New Orleans jazz to bebop, soul jazz to the latest electronic fusions.
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The Breaks
Confucius and Fresh talk all things hip-hop--Texas hip-hop, hip hop news, hip-hop history...
clock Saturday 10pm-1am