From humble, sweaty beginnings using music to make it through Texas heat in an AC-less house with (potentially) as many rats as residents, Duncan Fellows have come a long way in about 3 years. They’ve teased their fans with singles, EPs, and plenty of great live performances, but now they’ve released their debut album, one with two moods to reflect, as the title suggests, both sides of the ceiling.
“Fresh Squeezed,” goes down sweet and warm like an indie popper should, but don’t let its light-heartedness fool you. Chalk full of pulp, this tune has layers and layers to tickle your ear hairs and a couple of false ends to keep you guessing and grinning. Not a single moment or part is wasted on vanilla sounds, and you’ll need more than a few listens to appreciate the intricacies of this straightforward, upbeat tune. Grab a glass and enjoy!
“Fresh Squeezed” appears on Both Sides of the Ceiling, out now via their Bandcamp. Check out the rest of their Studio 1A here, and catch their album release show next Saturday at Barracuda.
-Taylor Wallace