Photo by Matthew James Wilson
Feminist art-punk. Yes, please. That’s what trio French Vanilla bring to the canvas of contemporary rock and roll. Their music is incredibly danceable while being incredibly weird, sharp-tongued, and packing enough melodies and instruments to make your ear feel like it’s happily running a marathon. Finding their footing in L.A.’s queer punk underground scene, this outfit recently surface with their debut album to make your shoulders bump, your mind think, and your energy a little weirder.
“Social Trappings” grabs your hips right out of the gate with a catchy synth beat quickly followed by a groovy bass hook, an earworm of a guitar riff, Sally Spitz’s glass-cutting vocals, and an ongoing sax solo. Seriously, every instrument here shares center stage, and somehow, they make it work.
“Social Trappings” appears on French Vanilla, available now via Danger Collective. Catch ’em tomorrow night at Emo’s.
-Taylor Wallace// host, Thursdays 8P & Saturdays 2P; Producer, Eklektikos with John Aielli and SoundCheck Music News