Ah, Bossa Nova. That jazzy genre so emblematic of playful times na praia, sandy sensuality, intimate sunsets, and overall just good ol’ fashioned summer fun. But whereas in the ’60s Bossa was the genre every pop artist had to try their hands at, these days you rarely get the fresh stuff outside of Brazil. So when you do hear that distinct South American shuffle, no matter what category it’s camouflaged against, it inspires something extra special.
And speaking of “extra special”, let’s make our way back north of the equator to Marlei. Having only introduced herself to the masses in late 2021, the tides are still rising for Houston-born, Austin-based singer Marlei Dismuke. But even with only four singles to her mononymous handle, Marlei’s eclectic respect for all kinds of sounds, infectiously bubbly personality that instantly translates over her recordings, and engrossingly gorgeous vocals, Marlei’s hooked listeners not just in Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio, but way down in Santiago and Buenos Aires. Clearly she’s doing something right to engage international audiences…
Which brings us to Marlei’s latest. Like a pisces leading a full school towards an ocean of infatuation, “No Matter” casts an Ariana Grande-esque trap-pop net over that classic Bossa guitar rhythm for a modern masterpiece of musical migrations. Rain or shine, “No Matter” sounds good in any circumstance. And concerning Marlei’s laughter through a cautious affirmation of that last take at the song’s final sunset? Yeah, girl. “That was it”, for sure.
- Do you want to submit a song for a Song of the Day feature? Email sotd@kutx.org with the phrase “KUTX Song of the Day” included in the subject line.
- Support for Song of the Day comes from The Werd Company