Otis Wilkins: “Charlene”

Austinite singer-guitarist Taylor Wilkins may historically be most associated with his pedal board-addicted rock band Otis the Destroyer, but when he sheds that Shiva-esque title, Taylor re-appropriates his father’s college moniker (and first dog’s given name) once again to transform into Otis Wilkins.

Otis only has three singles to his name as of yet, and together they’ve showcased a gargantuan sound, sprawling out across distorted electric guitar, boulder-sized drum beats, and Wilkins’ curt, slacker-inspired vocals. Rest assured, there’ll be more from Otis Wilkins to digest on the horizon, but get a peak of “Charlene” – the newest tune that features production by Walker Lukens and vocal harmonies from Jane Ellen Bryant (and more)! Catch him live tonight at Hotel Vegas for the KUTX-presented single release show!


Otis Wilkins

-Jack Anderson

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