Boy, there’ve been a lot of new Austin acts popping up in 2022. And while artist multiplicity has made gatekeeping and curation a bit more complicated than it was in the pre-DAW era, we still try our best to show off up-and-coming artists around town. Yet our airwaves simply cannot catch everything. That’s why Song of the Day is here to play a little heavy rotation safety, this time on behalf of Solo Solo.
Solo Solo is fraternal collaboration front and center; their lifelong bond as brothers slipstreams seamlessly into this synth-injected indie rock project. Their studio singles are still limited as of yet, but considering the standalone caliber of “No Sleep” (not to mention a well-designed character-and-car-driven music video), AND the fact that their next single “Pure Graffiti (Instrumental Version)” is already available for pre-order…seems like Solo Solo’s set to take several more big steps in the near future.