Forget Soma. For all your neo-psych power-pop ailments, we prescribe a healthy dose of TOMA.
Constantly in pursuit of unique sounds to incorporate, Waldo Wittenmyer (keyboard/vocals), Willy Jay (guitar/vocals), Jake Hiebert (drums), and Dillon Randolph (bass) equally contribute their fair share of TOMA’s songwriting and arranging. Though the four have been making their name locally for a few years, their debut album, Aroma, recently came like manna from heaven to fans of TOMA’s live performances.
Released at the tail end of March and produced by White Denim’s James Petralli, Aroma‘s eight tracks combine the best of classic ’70s tunes with modern day neo-psychedelia for an electrifying effect. Check out “A Certain Kind,” recorded live in Studio 1A. Just don’t get TOMA-tose.
– Jack Anderson (Host Monday – Wednesday 8-11pm, Saturday 6-10am)