Each week during Left of the Dial, KUTX Music Director, Rick McNulty shares the best song he heard this week. Among literally hundreds of recordings that pass through his ears each week there can be only one!
And the latest release he is bringing to your ears comes out of the eternally hip borough of Brooklyn, NYC.
Foyer Red’s debut LP Yarn the Hours Away is due May 19th, but for now, we have the appropriately named single, “Gorgeous,” to savor while we wait. They could be called art-punk, maybe math rock at times, but it’s all smoothed into an easily digested package with their breezy indie-pop atmosphere. Imagine Deerhoof if they had an ounce of pop sensibility, and Foyer Red delivers gallons of it among the angular attack and wonderfully bizarre timbres. Also, they made the clarinet sound cool. Leave it to a bunch of Brooklynites made the forever unhip woodwind family sound like it should be part of every indie pop arrangement.
They just came off tour with ATX natives Why Bonnie, but hopefully they’ll be back here in Austin soon!
“There are so many textures in this song it’s easy to get lost in its complexity. Imagine a three-layered cake where every bite is a starburst of different flavors. You’ll never get bored with “Gorgeous.”
-Rick McNulty
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