Austin Music Promoter Get 10 Years in Prison
Think back to 2015 and you may remember the name David Elliott Rosen. Rosen, operating under the businesses Rozone Productions LLC and Illuminated Entertainment Group LLC, was indicted in August of that year on charges of security fraud, theft, money laundering, and misapplication of fiduciary property for stealing nearly $2 million from a number of investors who were under the impression that their money was going to secure shows with acts like Justin Bieber, the Eagles, and Black-Eyed Peas. Instead of placing the money in a third-party escrow account to be refunded should the concerts fall through, Rosen pocketed the money, and failed to mention to his new investors that those involved in his previous investment program never saw the returns Rosen promised. Last Thursday, Rosen was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his scam and ordered to pay $1.8 million in restitution. At the same time, Rosen will be paying an additional $809,000 in restitution while serving another 10-year sentence for an unrelated case in which in plead guilty to theft by deception.
Husband-and-Wife Con Team Arrested After Posing as Adele’s Manager for Over a Year
A husband-and-wife con team was arrested in Miami over the weekend after an attempt to obtain free Kendrick Lamar tickets by posing as Adele’s manager Jonathan Dickins. Justin Jackson and Angel Lii had apparently been posing as Adele’s manager for at least a year, requesting tickets and memorabilia from Rhianna, Usher, Drake, Katy Perry, Chris Brown, and Pharrell Williams. Dickins reported the scam to Miami-Dade police a year ago when he was tipped off other reps of suspicious activity being carried out under his name. A sting was set in place to trap the couple after they had reached out to Kendrick Lamar’s record label Interscope, who suspected the couple of being conmen. And as it turns out, this isn’t Jackson’s first round in the pen. Jackson has also been sued for impersonating former basketball player and Obama aide Reggie Love and OWN TV exec Scott Garner, and he was sentenced to two years in prison in 2007 for posing as a rep for Madonna and convincing a New York boutique to loan him $2.4 million in jewelry that he later sold to a pawn shop.
-Taylor Wallace