
Today’s AMM Love Austin Music Month feature is cranking up Austin-based trio Buzz Electro full volume. Their 2020 EP Gloom Cruiser builds up plenty of eardrum-rumbling momentum from the get-go with opener “Its Nothing Serious,” on to the slow burner title track – which also rounds out the release as an equally badass instrumental. Then along comes Black Hallways, BE’s riff-laden debut LP that goes heavy and stays heavy.

Or, as the band says: Sometimes spiffy, always riffy! Catch Buzz Electro at their next show Thursday, Jan. 18, at Mohawk on the indoor stage, featuring sets by Coolworld, Satalights, and Sploot. Doors at 8 p.m.

AMM Jan. 16 2024

Buzz Electro plays Thursday night at Mohawk, with Coolworld, Satalights, and Sploot.

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