It’s three times as badass. The AMM presents the lowdown for your Wednesday night at C-Boy’s Heart and Soul, 2008 S. Congress Ave. No need to explain ’cause you already know, but…
- John Doe placed his searing brand on punk with X, but damn well brings next-level renegade as a solo artist with LPs like Fables in a Foreign Land. Recorded live in a cozy room at Jim Eno‘s Public Hi-Fi with bassist Kevin Smith (Willie Nelson), drummer Conrad Choucroun, guest appearances by Carrie Rodriguez, and songwriting collabs with X bandmate Exene Cervenka, Terry Allen, Shirley Manson (Garbage) and Luis Perez (Los Lobos), Fables unfolds a wayward stranger’s tales like some kind of historical poet. The characters come to life as The John Doe Folk Trio serenades you tonight at 8 p.m.
- The AMM previously referred to songwriter Taylor Wilkins‘ project Otis Wilkins as the “softer side” of Otis the Destroyer. That, friends, is an unfair understatement. Wilkins and Spaceflight Records‘ Brett Orrison produced a handful of Otis Wilkins singles that rock as much as the Destroyer side, but revel in a more ’60s/’70s ethereal pop vibe. “Sundaze” brings out the dreamier side, though not to undersell the Akira Kurosawa-inspired soundscape “Kamakura.”, and the sweet ‘n’ sexy ditty that is “Charlene.” But gotta admit, even NPR Music lost their minds over “Joni Mitchell Was Punk.” Err merr gerrd. Otis Wilkins sweeps you off your feet at 10 p.m.
- Lately, KUTX has been featuring Je’Texas‘ extremely groovy rocker “California Sun,” but your AMM host got a major sneak preview with an entire cache of Je’Texas’ songs. Holy – hell. More awesomeness to come from this trio. Vocalist Dylan Bishop, drummer Damien Llanes and bassist Gian Ortiz sweep in with a melodic Pretty Things-esque energy one moment, then turn out the baddest, heaviest of jams in the next. Rock, psych, blues-blastin’ swagger. Stay up late with Je’Texas as they blow out the amps starting at 11 p.m.

AMM Nov. 30 2022
The John Doe Folk Trio, Otis Wilkins and Je’Texas at C-Boy’s Heart and Soul, Wednesday Nov. 30.