KUTX is all about supporting local artists all year long, but this year, February serves as an important reminder to keep that love going. KUTX is working with the City of Austin Music and Entertainment Division and the Austin Music Foundation to promote that support with Love Austin Music Month!
Today’s Austin Music Minute #LoveAustinMusic feature is longtime AMM fave Mike & The Moonpies, who are riding high on the recent raves and critical praises for their latest release, Steak Night at the Prairie Rose. Songwriter/vocalist Mike Harmeier harnessed the essence of a Texas barroom/honky-tonk vibe that’s equal parts country and undeniably rock ‘n’ roll.
Don’t miss out on all the fun when Mike & The Moonpies plays tonight at The ABGB, 1305 W. Oltorf. Jackson, TN artist The Kernal gets the night started right at 9 p.m. So recommended.
-When sharing the Austin Music Minute this month, be sure to use the hashtag #LoveAustinMusic.
-Photography by Greg Giannukos.