Who: Surf rock trio The Lochness Mobsters made their debut in their hometown of Lake Charles, LA in 2008. Bandmates Taylor Lumpkin, Brooks Lumpkin and Michael Chavez recently relocated to Austin to keep the Loch-Mob legend alive and kicking. This is a band you need to experience live.
What: Great new music is on the way from the Mobsters. The gruff, gritty, punked-up War Tuna is set for release on Austin Town Hall Records on August 7th, and you can get a preview of some of the new tunes at their show tonight. Seriously, these dark and lo-fi garage surf-capades would’ve made Lux Interior proud.
When and where: Check out The Lochness Mobsters this evening at Hotel Vegas, 1500 E. 6th St. They’re sharing the bill with Loteria, Mitch Frazier and His Radiation, and Goldbloom. The music kicks off at 9 p.m. Recommended.
– Photo courtesy of Brooks Lumpkin.