What do fleas, Craigslist ads, and Jupiter’s moons have in common? They have all been the subjects of great works of art music, from Beethoven to Bernstein! While these might be strange and unexpected subjects for art music, through them we learn something about the strangest subjects of all—people! Beerthoven invites you along for the ride, featuring accessible performances of classical music paired with free beer. The Beerthoven Concert Series hopes to introduce new listeners to chamber music and cultivate a love of classical songs among a crowd unlikely to visit a traditional concert hall. Beerthoven frees the classical concert experience from many of the antiquated rules and formalities. Instead you can just appreciate the music with a pint in your hand! You can expect to hear performances such as “I Hate Music” by Leonard Bernstein, Gabriel Kahane’s “Craigslistlieder,” and selections by Ravel, Saint-Saens, Mussorgsky, and Beethoven. Beerthoven will raise a glass once again to soprano Charissa Memrick (previously featured in last season’s finale, “Caffeinated Composers”) and welcome pianist Martin Kesuma, bass singer Mikhail Smigelski, and flutist Seetha Shivaswamy.
You can join in the celebration of music and beer at Saengerrunde Hall 7:30pm Friday, January 31st & 3:00pm Sunday, February 2nd!
Host: John Aielli
Audio Engineer: Jake Perlman
Producer: Deidre Gott