Greezy Wheels are an iconic product of 1970s Austin, the natural outcome of inventive musicians residing in the heart of Texas while hippie culture engulfed the nation. The resulting Greezy Wheels sound is equal parts quirky, bluesy, and rockin’ – what about that doesn’t scream Austin, Texas? Having established themselves as the house band at the now legendary Armadillo World Headquarters (an Austin icon in itself), Greezy Wheels eventually took a 25 year hiatus before re-establishing themselves in 2001 as a band that refuses to be restricted to any particular subgenre. Instead, they continue to “let their freak flag fly” more vivaciously than ever.
With new members joining founders Cleve, Lissa and Sweet Mary Hattersley, the Wheels are Greezy’er than ever! Check out the result of their groovy Studio 1A performance below!