Like their grunge rock forbears, Portland’s Summer Cannibals manage to turn pervasive angst and pissed-offedness into wickedly smart lyrics and absolutely killer guitar riffs. For their third album, Full Of It, the band signed to iconic Olympia, WA label Kill Rock Stars and ratcheted up the intensity to 11. The music blisters with barely contained energy while singer Jessica Boudreaux’s acerbic lyrics and sneering delivery pour salt in the wound. The song “Simple Life” is a perfect example of the band’s ability to hook you with a catchy chorus and soaring guitar breaks before they burrow into your fragile psyche and remind you that happiness is always just out of reach. So put on a pot of coffee and get ready to snuggle with your feelings because the Summer Cannibals prove once again that feeling bad can make for some seriously fun music.
Summer Cannibal’s stopped by Studio1A to play us some music off the new record before heading to their gig at Sidewinder. Check it out below!