Austin’s Good Field is all about the slow burn. After spending time with Brazos, Voxtrot, and the Early Tapes, Paul Price started Good Field as a solo project, but it slowly morphed into a full band. Their 2012 self-titled debut was a sneaky charmer, mixing low-key atmosphere with melodies that burrow in your brain after a few listens.
Future Me, out July 28, continues this winning formula but adds a production touch from White Denim/Bop English frontman James Petralli. Live in our Studio 1A–and buoyed by a partisan, max-capacity crowd–Good Field stretched out, adding new dimensions to songs like “Business.” “It’s just business,” Price sings with a half-sneer, but it’s his shaggy, proto-psychedelic guitar solos that truly do the talking. Download the song below and catch Good Field at the Parish on Saturday, July 18 for their record release party. Doors at 8 p.m.
–Art Levy
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